Kamis, 18 September 2008


I am Chairul Sabarudin (IROEL), an artist from Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
- Graduated from the Malang State University (formerly IKIP or Institute of Teacher Training and Science of Education), Department of Arts and Craft in 1993
- Began my career as an Art Designer with the Amsterdam Restaurant in 1990-1993, and around the same time worked as Sculpture Art Designer in Bambang Art Florist, Malang, in 1992.
- Worked as Portrait Artist in SOL MELIA BALI HOTEL, Nusa Dua, Bali, from 2004 to 2005
- Now active as teacher of art and practicing artist in pencil drawing
- I have participated in several exhibitions in several cities, such as Malang, Surabaya, Bali, Jakarta and Bandar Lampung. Participated in Biennale Jawa Timur in Surabaya in 2007.
- I have focused my skill in drawing with pencil since 2004 up to the present.
- The reason I choose pencil as my main media is that the skill is a rare thing to find where I live and therefore it is a special distinction for me as an artist.
- I hope that my works can help to further inspire fellow artists, especially those who take up pencil as their main media.
Address : Jl. Genuk Watu Barat no. 95
Malang - Jawa Timur - Indonesia 65122


Saya Chairul Sabarudin (IROEL) , seniman dari kota Malang (Jawa Timur), Indonesia.
-Lulus dari Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang (sekarang Universitas Negeri Malang) jurusan SENI RUPA & KERAJINAN tahun 1993
-Meniti karier sebagai Art Designer di Amsterdam Restaurant mulai tahun 1990 – 1993, merangkap sebagai Sculpture Art Designer di Bambang Art Florist Malang th 1992
-Sebagai Portrait Artist di SOL MELIA BALI HOTEL, Nusa Dua – Bali, th 2004 – 2005
-Sekarang aktif sebagai guru seni & seniman/pelukis
-Referensi pameran di beberapa kota antara lain : Malang, Surabaya, Bali, Jakarta dan Bandar Lampung. Pernah mengikuti Biennale Jawa Timur di kota Surabaya pada tahun 2007
-Menekuni media pensil warna sejak tahun 2004 – sekarang. Saya pilih pensil warna sebagai media utama berkarya karena bahan tersebut di kotaku masih jarang digunakan seniman lainnya, sehingga saya punya spesifikasi.
Semoga karya-karya yang saya hasilkan bisa sebagai bahan referensi dan inspirasi teman-teman seniman umumnya serta seniman pensil khususnya.


Alamat : Jl. Genuk Watu Barat no. 95
Malang - Jawa Timur - Indonesia 65122

2 komentar:

  1. Your work is just brilliant, I am amazed at your talent and dedication. I love your subject matter as well.

  2. tiwas nafas lihat CV yang atas, ternyata scroll turun dikit, terselamatkan...jadi ga buka kamus..he13...


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