Minggu, 16 November 2008
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Gambar di atas adalah beberapa contoh portrait yang pernah saya kerjakan ketika bekerja di hotel SOL MELIA BALI tahun 2004-2005. K...
Setiap karya biasanya saya abadikan per tahap, seperti contoh karya di atas. Semoga bisa jadi bahan belajar atau inspirasi. ...
Bersama gambar yang tidak selesai-selesai. Gambar pisangnya...duhhh...buanyaaakkk!!! Itu senyum dipaksa-paksa, supaya yang memandang ...
Studio saya terletak di pinggir jalan, sehingga siapapun bisa melihat dengan leluasa ketika saya sedang berkarya. Tak ada batasan pengunjun...
I have just discovered your blog and I am so glad I did. Your work is wonderful. I especially love your market scenes. Your work has a joyful quality that is very appealing, you have great drawing skills and you are getting terrific results with your coloured pencils! Thank you for sharing your work.
BalasHapusThank you for visiting my blog, because that is how I found yours. Your work is awesome! I just can't believe the huge sizes you work in, it would take me forever. Your drawings are all so beautifully done. I also like the market scenes. I like the way you sometimes leave parts of the background colorless to emphasize the figures. Please join the United Kingdom Colored Pencil Society or the Colored Pencil Society of America. You would enjoy entering the competitions.
BalasHapusBerkata - many thanks for following my blog - glad to reciprocate. Lovely technique - as you can see I am far more abstract - but I can really appreciate the skill and artistry. If you would wish I would be happy to add a permanent link on my blog-roll if you do do the same - leave a comment here if you'd like to do that.
Lovely work, very inspiring
BalasHapusYour drawings are beautiful, so fresh and lively. Awesome work. I am so pleased to find you, thank you for following me, I am honoured.
BalasHapusThank you for visiting my blog.
BalasHapusI am so pleased you have, has I now can keep up to date with your wonderful paintings.
Incredible work!
BalasHapusWow! Such gorgeous work. I was amazed when the images came up on my screen. You are truly talented. Thank you for stopping by my blog.... visiting your blog was inspiring!
BalasHapusAmazing Work!I found your blog by chance.I'm so glad!
BalasHapusThanks for your nice words about my paintings.Your work is beautiful and inspiring and your technique is awesome. All the best for you.
BalasHapusamazing work. very realistic work. i like the how you portray common people & their activities thru your work. keep it up
BalasHapuskagum sekali dengan hasil tuan, amat teliti dan rajin..berapa lama menghabiskan masa untuk satu lukisan?
BalasHapusAmazing , very detail work typical of asian artist.. just how long does it take to finish the job?
very very ood portraits!! i like it very very much.
BalasHapusYour works are extraordinary, amazing, and stunning! You have a great talent in painting. I think you are the only best colored pencil painter in Indonesia! Never ceased to paint the beauty of the world, mas....
BalasHapushebat sekali!!baru ketemu blog ini.
BalasHapusCome and visit me and my children art blog.
Support my boys and help them to produce good artwork. Your kind comment will help them to build their confident and motivation. Your artwork too could be their inspirations.
Yang pattern rumah itu karya Azhan..Ada juga karya bersama Azhan+Nine..dan ada juga karya kami bertiga anak beranak..
BalasHapuskarya brader IROEL juga jadi inspirasi kami nanti.
Your blog has been listed as one of the FELLOW ARTISTS. Hope we could stay in touch from time to time.
Wow, you're good! Thank you for sharing these with us.
I m just following Your blog..Mindblowing,Fantastic.I just love your Arts.Awesome.Can You draw my picture?I wish.....
BalasHapusReally extraordianry works.. Amazing Talent.
BalasHapusThanks for tagging me.
BalasHapusJust found your blog>i must say you are too good!I never imagined color pencil could be used for so delicate details.I' v used pencil myself but never colored my sktches for fear of spoiling them!Now I think I will try.
Good work.
Like all of the comments I have read, I agree with all that has been said. Wonderful beautiful work. And, I too like the market scenes the best. I cam across your blog from another artist that follows yours. I have enjoyed pencil drawing for a long time.
BalasHapusOh wow, your art is incredible.!!
BalasHapusI'll be back.
Superb! I have never seen this type of fotography!
BalasHapusSorry! Not fotography but pencil work ....:) It looks like foto...:) Lovely!
BalasHapusNo posts recently - hope you are okay.
I am enjoying your work and your site.
BalasHapusBIGWOW! Great work. You must have a lot of patience using colored pencil on big works.
BalasHapusWould you mind if I link you to my blog?
saya dr bandung, bisa pesen lukisan sperti ini ga? nanti saya kirim gambarnya via email. kira2 price nya brp ya untuk ukuran a4?
BalasHapusemail : festivania@yahoo.com
visit http://apioypercha.blogspot.com/
BalasHapusJust wonderful...Greetings from Turkey.Have a nice day.
BalasHapussukses Cak Iroel....